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Napa the Yorkie’s Pet-Friendly Quarantine Challenge

Is this you: Quarantine fatigue is becoming real. You are bored of your monotonous daily walks around the block with your pet. You are tired of seeing that one neighbor at the same time everyday talking unnecessarily loudly on the phone while they are on their own walk. You've watched everything on Netflix. You thought starting your own garden would create long term satisfaction but your tomatoes still have not grown. Nothing is fun anymore. You are bored.

Sounds like it's time to spice up your quarantine life.

Today I'm excited to launch the pet-friendly quarantine challenge (#PFQC) so you and your furry friend can get your steps in while adding a scavenger hunt feel to it. Invite your friends to it too so that we can see as a community all the fun and creative photo opps we've come up with.

Here's how to play:

  • Take your pet on a 45 min walk

  • Take as many pictures/videos of your pet with the photo opps below

  • Once complete, post your content on any social media platform

  • Use #PFQC so that everyone can see your adventures

  • Tag a friend to challenge them to do the same

Photo opps of your pet with:

☐ Wind blowing in their hair ☐ Flowers

☐ Something round ☐ Another animal

☐ Treats ☐ Them not wanting to go home

☐ A pile of leaves ☐ Them running up stairs

☐ Crossing a crosswalk ☐ Something pink

☐ A stick ☐ Bonus: Waterfall

Feel free to share this image on social media to tag a friend and spread the word!

Have fun and feel free to tag @napatheyorkie in any of your Instagram pictures and I will do my best to like all of them!

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